Sandbar-regulated hydrodynamic influences on river hydrochemistry at Mengabang Telipot River, Peninsular Malaysia


Influences of river hydrodynamic behaviours on hydrochemistry (salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen saturations and dissolved phosphorus) were evaluated through high spatial and temporal resolution study of a sandbar-regulated coastal river. River hydrodynamic during sandbar-closed event was characterized by minor dependency on tidal fluctuations, very gradual increase of water level and continual low flow velocity.



Tropical estuary, Estuarine sandbar, Hydrodynamic behaviour, Hydrochemistry, Peninsular Malaysia


Koh, M. K., Sathiamurthy, E., Suratman, S., & Mohd Tahir, N. (2012). Sandbar-regulated hydrodynamic influences on river hydrochemistry at Mengabang Telipot River, Peninsular Malaysia. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 184, 7653-7664.
