Assessment of River Bank Erosion at Kilim River, Langkawi Using Geospatial Technique


The aim of this research is to assess river bank erosion using remote sensing image and GIS tools in analyzing the impact that caused river erosion by the tourist speed boat. In order to determine the rate of changes of river erosion occurred along the river bank, Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software is used in this research which highlight two main statistical analysis of Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) and End Point Rate (EPR) of both sides of the river bank.




Suhaimi, H. M., Jamal, M. H., & Ahmad, A. (2018). Assessment of river bank erosion at Kilim River, Langkawi using geospatial technique. In IOP conference series: earth and environmental science (Vol. 169, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.
