Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis: an application to the transportation sector in Iskandar Malaysia for 2025


The energy sector has grown significantly over the years, causing an increase in carbon emission that has led to serious global warming problems. Consequently, electric vehicles (EVs) have become a favourable solution in the transportation sector due to their green technology attributes. This paper aims to apply the Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis (CEPA) method to the transportation sector in Iskandar Malaysia.



Carbon Emissions Pinch Analysis, Transportation, Energy planning, Iskandar Malaysia, Electric vehicle


Ramli, A. F., Muis, Z. A., Ho, W. S., Idris, A. M., & Mohtar, A. (2019). Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis: an application to the transportation sector in Iskandar Malaysia for 2025. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21, 1899-1911.
