Assessing the changes in river water quality across a land-use change (forest to oil palm plantation) in peninsular Malaysia using the stable isotopes of water and nitrate


Land conversion from natural forests to plantations (e.g., oil palm) in Southeast Asia is one of the most intensive land-use changes occurring worldwide. To clarify the effects of oil palm plantations on water quality, we conducted multipoint river and stream water sampling in peninsular Malaysia at the end of the rainy season over a 3-year period (2013-2015).



Peninsular Malaysia, Water quality, Land-use change, Oil palm plantation, Forest, Stable isotopes


Itoh, M., Osaka, K. I., Iizuka, K., Kosugi, Y., Lion, M., & Shiodera, S. (2023). Assessing the changes in river water quality across a land-use change (forest to oil palm plantation) in peninsular Malaysia using the stable isotopes of water and nitrate. Science of The Total Environment, 859, 160319.
