Water quality variation during a strong El Niño event in 2016: a case study in Kampar River, Malaysia


El Ni o and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a natural forcing that affects global climate patterns, thereon influencing freshwater quality and security. In the advent of a strong El Niño warming event in 2016 which induced an extreme dry weather in Malaysia, water quality variation was investigated in Kampar River which supplies potable water to a population of 92,850. Sampling points were stratified into four ecohydrological units and 144 water samples were examined from October 2015 to March 2017.



Drought, El Niño, Pollution, Water quality


Ng, C. K. C., Goh, C. H., Lin, J. C., Tan, M. S., Bong, W., Yong, C. S., ... & Khoo, G. (2018). Water quality variation during a strong El Ni o event in 2016: a case study in Kampar River, Malaysia. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190, 1-14.
