Organic composition of aerosol particulate matter during a haze episode in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The solvent-extractable compounds of urban airborne particulate matter were analyzed to determine the distributions of homologous and biomarker tracers. Samples were collected by high-volume air filtration during the haze episode of 1997 around the University of Malaya campus near Petaling Jaya, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



Haze, Aliphatic components, Petroleum components, Biomarkers, Levoglucosan, PAHs


Abas, M. R. B., Rahman, N. A., Omar, N. Y. M., Maah, M. J., Samah, A. A., Oros, D. R., Otto, A., & Simoneit, B. R. (2004). Organic composition of aerosol particulate matter during a haze episode in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Atmospheric Environment, 38(25), 4223-4241.
