Surfactants in the sea-surface microlayer and their contribution to atmospheric aerosols around coastal areas of the Malaysian peninsula


A study was done to determine the concentrations of surfactants on the sea-surface microlayer and in atmospheric aerosols in several coastal areas around the Malaysian peninsula. The concentrations of surfactants from the sea-surface microlayer (collected using rotation drum) and from aerosols (collected using HVS) were analyzed as methylene blue active substances and disulphine blue active substances through the colorimetric method using a UV-vis spectrophotometer.



Surfactants, Coastal area, Sea-surface microlayer, Atmospheric aerosol, MBAS, DBAS


Roslan, R. N., Hanif, N. M., Othman, M. R., Azmi, W. N. F. W., Yan, X. X., Ali, M. M., ... & Latif, M. T. (2010). Surfactants in the sea-surface microlayer and their contribution to atmospheric aerosols around coastal areas of the Malaysian peninsula. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(9), 1584-1590.
