Spatial assessment of air quality patterns in Malaysia using multivariate analysis


This study aims to investigate possible sources of air pollutants and the spatial patterns within the eight selected Malaysian air monitoring stations based on a two-year database (2008-2009). The multivariate analysis was applied on the dataset. It incorporated Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis (HACA) to access the spatial patterns, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine the major sources of the air pollution and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to assess the percentage contribution of each air pollutant.



Air pollutants, Multivariate analysis, HACA, PCA, MLR


Dominick, D., Juahir, H., Latif, M. T., Zain, S. M., & Aris, A. Z. (2012). Spatial assessment of air quality patterns in Malaysia using multivariate analysis. Atmospheric environment, 60, 172-181.
