Monsoonal differences and probability distribution of PM10 concentration


There are many factors that influence PM10 concentration in the atmosphere. This paper will look at the PM10 concentration in relation with the wet season (north east monsoon) and dry season (south west monsoon) in Seberang Perai,Malaysia from the year 2000 to 2004. It is expected that PM10 will reach the peak during south west monsoon as the weather during this season becomes dry and this study has proved that the highest PM10 concentrations in 2000 to 2004 were recorded in this monsoon.



Lognormal distribution, Return period, Weibull distribution


Md Yusof, N. F. F., Ramli, N. A., Yahaya, A. S., Sansuddin, N., Ghazali, N. A., & Al Madhoun, W. (2010). Monsoonal differences and probability distribution of PM 10 concentration. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 163, 655-667.
