Developing a progress monitoring portfolio for children in early childhood special education programs


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Ms. Anita has been an early childhood special educator for 10 years, and continues to strive for the most efficient and effective method for transitioning her students from preschool to kindergarten. Ms. Anita understands the imporiance of the transition process, paräcularly for children with disabilities, but wonders if there is more she can be doing to prepare the receiving kindergarten team and parents for 4- year-old Jeremiah's transition. Jeremiah has autism, which significantly affects his communication skills. Although he continues to make strides developmentally, Ms. Anita wants to be sure she is documenting his progress and making considerations for the types of supports he will need next year. Currently, Ms. Anita's program uses general information sharing and collaborative meetings to prepare for the transition. Ms. Anita would like more information on other strategies, such as portfolios that can be used to make the process smoother for Jeremiah and his parents.


SPECIAL education teachers
