Airborne particles in the city center of Kuala Lumpur: Origin, potential driving factors, and deposition flux in human respiratory airways


Equatorial warming conditions in urban areas can influence the particle number concentrations (PNCs), but studies assessing such factors are limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of size-resolved PNCs, their potential deposition rate in the human respiratory system, and probable local and transboundary inputs of PNCs in Kuala Lumpur.



Urban air pollution, Particle number concentration, Size distribution, Respiratory deposition


Khan, M. F., Hamid, A. H., Bari, M. A., Tajudin, A. B. A., Latif, M. T., Nadzir, M. S. M., ... & Kumar, P. (2019). Airborne particles in the city center of Kuala Lumpur: Origin, potential driving factors, and deposition flux in human respiratory airways. Science of the total environment, 650, 1195-1206.