Alejandro Livio CamerlengoMohd. Nasir SaadonAhmad Shazli AzizMohd. Rosni Othman2024-05-202024-05-201998Camerlengo, A. L., Saadon, M., AzIZ, A. S., & Othman, M. (1998). Monthly distribution of precipitation in Peninsular Malaysia. Pertanika J Sci Technol, 6, 59-70. study was made of the monthly distribution of rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia. It is shown that the principal influence is given by the passage of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), while the secondary influence is the effects of both the NE and the SW monsoons.enITCZNE and SW monsoonsprecipitationMonthly distribution of precipitation in Peninsular MalaysiaJournal