Muhammad NoorTarmizi IsmailShamsuddin ShahidaMd AsaduzzamanAshraf Dewan2024-05-202024-05-202021Noor, M., Ismail, T., Shahid, S., Asaduzzaman, M., & Dewan, A. (2021). Evaluating intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves of satellite-based precipitation datasets in Peninsular Malaysia. Atmospheric Research, 248, 105203. recent years the use of remotely sensed precipitation products in hydrological studies has become increasingly common. The capability of the products in producing rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships, however, has not been examined in any great detail. The performance of four remote-sensing-based gridded rainfall data processing algorithms (GSMaP_NRT, GSMaP_GC, PERSIANN and TRMM_3B42V7) was evaluated to determine the ability to generate reliable IDF curves.enIDF curvesRemote sensing precipitation productsProbability distribution functionUngauged locationBias correctionEvaluating intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves of satellite-based precipitation datasets in Peninsular MalaysiaJournal