Raksmey MayNurhuda Shakhila Binti Mazlan2024-05-202024-05-202014May, R., & Mazlan, N. S. B. (2014). Numerical simulation of the effect of heavy groundwater abstraction on groundwater surface water interaction in Langat Basin, Selangor, Malaysia. Environmental earth sciences, 71, 1239-1248.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1391The paper aims at evaluating the interaction between ground and surface water along the Langat River in Malaysia through the development of a numerical simulation.enGroundwater surface water interactionGroundwater modelingLangat RiverHyporheic flowRiver conductanceNumerical simulation of the effect of heavy groundwater abstraction on groundwater-surface water interaction in Langat Basin, Selangor, MalaysiaJournal