Sofia EhsanRawshan Ara BegumNor Ghani Md NorKhairul Nizam Abdul Maulud2024-05-142024-05-142019Ehsan, S., Begum, R. A., Nor, N. G. M., & Maulud, K. N. A. (2019). Current and potential impacts of sea level rise in the coastal areas of Malaysia. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 228, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing. level rise is one of the most concerning and costly effects of climate change that impacts the sustainable development of coastal areas. Malaysia, representing 13% of the total land area within 5 km of a coast, is threatened by the devastating impacts of sea level rise. This study attempts to highlight the current and potential impacts of sea level rise in several high risk coastal areas of Malaysia. Currently, coastal erosion and coastal flooding are the major effects of sea level rise impacting the important coastal infrastructure. The coast of Selangor and Batu Pahat experienced severe coastal erosion recording the total eroded area of 1878.5 hectares and 415.47 hectares respectively. Likewise, the coastal flooding in Johor coastal flood was damaging an estimated RM 0.35 billion worth of infrastructure and RM 2.4 billion of economic losses.Current and potential impacts of sea level rise in the coastal areas of MalaysiaJournal