2024-05-162024-05-162022https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1047This SOP for the NR-REE mining industry in Malaysia shall be used as reference and guideline by the stakeholders comprising of the Federal and State agencies, the industry, professional institutions, consultants, NGO and other individuals of interests. This SOP covers the cycle of NR-REE mining operation and processing. The concept of sustainable development application in mining industry, the vision of ‘Dasar Mineral Negara 2’ (DMN2), ‘Kerangka Pelan Transformasi Industri Mineral Negara 2021-2030’ (TIMM 2021-2030) and the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the guiding principles in the preparation of this SOP.enStandard Operating Procedure (SOP) Non-Radioactive Rare Earth Elements (NR-REE)Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)