Nor Azam RamliPeter W AthernMoho Rizal Razman2024-05-102024-05-102002Ramli, N. A., Wathern, P., & Razman, M. R. (2002). Issues of Air Pollution in Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Projects. In Proceedings International Conference on Environmental Management: Ten Years After Rio (pp. 484-496). aim of this study is to establish the trends in approaches and techniques being used to address the air pollution issues in project-related development. The interest was to look at the overall issues of air pollution and how it was dealt with in the context of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, the review was not based upon individual Environmental Impact Assessment techniques. Twenty eight samples from four different sectors were reviewed and information pertaining to construction activities, baseline condition, impact predictions and mitigating measures were extracted and analyzed.enIssues of air pollution in environmental impact assessment of development projectsJournal