Chen MengliChia Hao KaiPatrick MartinJen Nie LeeRyan P.A. BettensJani T.I. Tanzil2024-05-202024-05-202022Chen, M., Chia, H. K., Martin, P., Lee, J. N., Bettens, R. P., & Tanzil, J. T. (2022). A half-century record of coral skeletal P/Ca reveals late 20th century nutrient pollution in Port Dickson, Malaysia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 181, 113875. nutrient pollution has been identified as one of the key stressors of coastal ecosystems. However, the paucity of long-term nutrient records limits our understanding of both the extent of nutrient pollution as well as of the ecological impacts. Here, using coral skeletal phosphorus (P/Ca), we reconstructed a half-a-century record of seawater phosphate at Port Dickson, Malaysia.ennutrient pollutionphosphateSoutheast AsiaPort DicksoncoralP/CaA half-century record of coral skeletal P/Ca reveals late 20th century nutrient pollution in Port Dickson, MalaysiaJournal