Bibi Noorarlijannah Mohammad AliChin Yik LinFera CleophasMohd Harun AbdullahBaba Musta2024-05-162024-05-162015Mohammad Ali, B. N., Lin, C. Y., Cleophas, F., Abdullah, M. H., & Musta, B. (2015). Assessment of heavy metals contamination in Mamut river sediments using sediment quality guidelines and geochemical indices. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187, 1-11. paper describes the concentration of selected heavy metals (Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the Mamut river sediments and evaluate the degree of contamination of the river polluted by a disused copper mine.GeoaccumulationindexEnrichment factorRiverPollutionHeavy metalMineralogyAssessment of heavy metals contamination in Mamut river sediments using sediment quality guidelines and geochemical indicesJournal