N N I M AzlanN M SaadS NorhishamM A MalekN S M ShkuriM ZolkepliL W EanA M Mohamad2024-05-202024-05-202022Azlan, N. N. I. M., Saad, N. M., Norhisham, S., Malek, M. A., Shkuri, N. S. M., Zolkepli, M., ... & Mohamad, A. M. (2022). Water demand management at rural area using Micro-Component Analysis: a case study at Kenyir Lake, Malaysia. In IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci (Vol. 955, No. 012027, pp. 1755-1315).https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1327The objective of this study is to conduct a water demand study at Kenyir Lake, Terengganu using Micro-Component Analysis (MCA). Water demand is also being assessed using National Water Services Commissions (SPAN) Guidelines, parallel to water guidelines applied for Malaysia's building and comparison purposes. MCA considers detailed parameters of water use activities of the respective study area, whereas SPAN Guidelines use the fixed values of average daily water demand according to the type of building.enWater Demand Management at Rural Area Using Micro-Component Analysis: A Case Study at Kenyir Lake, MalaysiaJournal