Guan Xhuan WongRyuichi HirataTakashi HiranoFrankie KiewaEdward Baran AeriesKevin Kemudang MusinJoseph Wenceslaus WailiKim San LoLulie Melling2024-05-142024-05-142018Wong, G. X., Hirata, R., Hirano, T., Kiew, F., Aeries, E. B., Musin, K. K., ... & Melling, L. (2018). Micrometeorological measurement of methane flux above a tropical peat swamp forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 256, 353-361. to the huge soil carbon stock and high groundwater level (GWL), tropical peatlands potentially represent a significant source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. However, a few studies of CH4 flux by the soil chamber technique have reported that annual CH4 emissions from tropical peat swamp forest were very low as compared to mid- and high-latitude peatlands. Recently, it has been reported that some tree species growing in peat swamp forest emit CH4 from their stems. It is impossible to continuously measure ecosystem-scale CH4 flux including both soil and plant-mediated CH4 emissions by the chamber technique. Thus, we have measured net ecosystem CH4 exchange (FCH4) above a tropical peat swamp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia using the eddy covariance technique from February 2014 to July 2015 (18 months).Annual emissionsEddy covariance techniqueGroundwater levelMethane sourceSoil moistureSoutheast AsiaMicrometeorological measurement of methane flux above a tropical peat swamp forestJournal