Chen-Lin SooShahirah SabanaCheng-Ann ChenYii-Siang Hii2024-05-202024-05-202021Soo, C. L., Sabana, S., Chen, C. A., & Hii, Y. S. (2021). Understanding microplastics in aquatic ecosystems a mini review. Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA), 5(2), 63-69. paper reviews the key characteristics of microplastics, how they contaminate aquatic ecosystems, and their effects on aquatic organisms. Efforts have been made to highlight the knowledge gaps in these areas and measures that deserve attention for addressing the problem.enMicroplasticsAquatic organismsTrophic transferConsumer healthPossible measuresUnderstanding microplasctics in aquatic ecosystems - A mini reviewJournal