Mohd Khairul Nizar ShamsuddinWan Nor Azmin SulaimanMohammad Firuz RamliFaradiella Mohd KusinKamarudin Samuding2024-05-202024-05-202018Shamsuddin, M. K. N., Sulaiman, W. N. A., Ramli, M. F., Mohd Kusin, F., & Samuding, K. (2018). Assessments of seasonal groundwater recharge and discharge using environmental stable isotopes at Lower Muda River Basin, Malaysia. Applied water science, 8, 1-12. accurate estimation of groundwater recharge is required to properly manage aquifers, especially for riverbank filtration method (RBF) purposes. The isotopes correlations and differences in different water bodies were studied to assess the sources of groundwater recharge and preliminary tools in understanding of the surface water and groundwater interactions in the Lower Muda River Basin.enWater isotopesUnsaturated zoneGroundwater rechargeMuda River BasinMalaysiaAssessments of seasonal groundwater recharge and discharge using environmental stable isotopes at Lower Muda River Basin, MalaysiaJournal