A S N AmirahS RagunathanN A N ZainabA M AndrewW FaridahW H TanZ M Salwa2024-05-202024-05-202021Amirah, A. S. N., Ragunathan, S., Zainab, N. A. N., Andrew, A. M., Faridah, W., Tan, W. H., & Salwa, Z. M. (2021). The use of media filters in treatment of runoff pollution. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 646, No. 1, p. 012034). IOP Publishing.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1319The study will examine the ability of recycled aggregates and sand to classify wastewater in a manner that decreases the level of environmental pollution. The sample was taken from Kg Wang Ulu, Perlis agricultural district, Jejawi, Perlis industrial area and Taman Desa Katong, Perlis residential area. Water quality research has been investigated to find the characteristics of effluent such as suspended solids, BOD, COD and TSS. Three rainfall intensity values, of 5 LPM as low rainfall, 12.5 LPM as mean precipitation intensity, and 22.5 LPM as high-cut rainfall consisted of recycled aggregate and high-absorptive sand as drainage beds, were included in this operating system.enThe Use of Media Filters in Treatment of Runoff PollutionJournal