Rozainah M.Z.M.N. NazriA.B. SofawiZ. HematiW.A. Juliana2024-05-142024-05-142018Rozainah, M. Z., Nazri, M. N., Sofawi, A. B., Hemati, Z., & Juliana, W. A. (2018). Estimation of carbon pool in soil, above and below ground vegetation at different types of mangrove forests in Peninsular Malaysia. Marine pollution bulletin, 137, 237-245. paper evaluated the total carbon stock of mangrove ecosystems in two contrasting sites: a fishing village in Delta Kelantan (DK) and Ramsar sites in Johor Park (JP).BiomassJohor ParkDelta KelantanRamsar's sitePeninsular MalaysiaSedimentEstimation of carbon pool in soil, above and below ground vegetation at different types of mangrove forests in Peninsular MalaysiaJournal