Mohd Zin KandarNurul Hadirah MuszaffarshamElina Mohd HusiniNorita Md NorwawiKhairil Faizal Khairi2024-05-202024-05-202023Kandar, M. Z., Muszaffarsham, N. H., Husini, E. M., Norwawi, N. M., & Khairi, K. F. (2023). Enhancing energy efficiency through the incorporation of maqasid syariah knowledge: a review. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment, 10(1), 171-190. paper aims to review Maqasid Syariah (MS) knowledge in enhancing good EE practices, and the objectives are to investigate the EE awareness, knowledge and practices in Malaysia, plus to explore the importance of MS knowledge.enEnergy consumptionEnergy efficiencyEnergy svingsMaqasidSyariahEnhancing energy efficiency through the incorporation of maqasid syariah knowledge: A reviewJournal