S. IshiiF. M. MarshallJ. N. B. Bell2024-05-202024-05-202004Ishii, S., Marshall, F. M., & Bell, J. N. B. (2004). Physiological and morphological responses of locally grown Malaysian rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) to different ozone concentrations. Water, air, and soil pollution, 155, 205-221.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1126Malaysian rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars MR84 and MR185 were grown in greenhouse chambers and exposed to four different levels of ozone from 28th August, 2001 to 22nd January, 2002. Four ozone levels were selected in close relation to the Malaysian peri-urban ambient level (approximately 30 ppb, 8 hr mean), the Malaysian guideline level (approximately 60 ppb) and possible future higher ozone levels (approximately 90 ppb). Both morphological and physiological parameters showed distinctive impacts of ozone treatments.enchlorophyll fluorescenceclosed fumigation chambersMalaysiariceOryza sativa L.ozonephotosynthetic ratestomatal conductancePhysiological and morphological responses of locally grown Malaysian rice cultivars (Oryza Sativa L.) to different ozone concentrationsJournal