Mutahharah M. MokhtarM. Rozainee TaibMimi H. Hassim2024-05-102024-05-102016Mokhtar, M. M., Taib, M. R., & Hassim, M. H. (2016). Decision analysis of multi-pollutant control strategy for coal-fired power plant in Malaysia. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18, 1361-1367. promulgation of Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014 on emissions from coal-fired power plants in Malaysia has prompted power plant operators to adopt emission control strategy that complies with the new emission limits. Currently, various emission control strategies are available to achieve the desired emission level. Each strategy offers unique advantages and disadvantages, depending on the objective of emissions control, process nature, and constraints on the resources incurred. To address this challenge, a proper decision-making analysis needs to be performed. In this paper, a systematicdecision analysis methodology is proposed to select the most effective multipollutant control strategy that is compatible for coal-fired power plants in Malaysia.enDecision analysis methodologyMulti-pollutant control strategyCoal-fired power plantEmission factorEmission limitDecision analysis of multi-pollutant control strategy for coal-fired power plant in MalaysiaJournal