Hariz A. Ab. RAHMANNoor A. IBRAHIMAzzmer A. ABDUL HAMIDTengku H.T. ABDUL HAMID2024-05-202024-05-202018Rahman, H. A., Ibrahim, N. A., Abdul Hamid, A. A., & Abdul Hamid, T. H. (2018). Effect of 2014 massive flood on well water qualities: A case study on Kelantan River basin, Malaysia. Journal of water and land development, (38), 127-136.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1387The effect of physical and biological qualities of wells after submergence was assessed following December 2014 flood in Kelantan. Studies were carried out on a total of 65 wells from 13 stations around Kelantan River basin in which the wells' water were sampled for pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), turbidity and microbial contamination.endrinking wellflood inundationKelantan River basintotal coliformwater qualityEffect of 2014 massive flood on well water qualities: A case study on Kelantan River basin, MalaysiaJournal