Musharrat AzamJamal OthmanRawshan Ara BegumSharifah Mastura Syed AbdullahNor Ghani Md. Nor2024-05-142024-05-142016Azam, M., Othman, J., Begum, R. A., Abdullah, S. M. S., & Nor, N. G. M. (2016). Energy consumption and emission projection for the road transport sector in Malaysia: an application of the LEAP model. Environment, development and sustainability, 18, 1027-1047. study has attempted to estimate the energy consumption and emission of pollutants namely carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) from the road transport sector in Malaysia from the year 2012 till 2040.Road transportMalaysiaEnergy consumptionEmissionEnergy forecastEnergy policiesLEAPEnergy consumption and emission projection for the road transport sector in Malaysia: an application of the LEAP modelJournal