Swee Yun PangSuhaimi SuratmanJoo Hui TayNorhayati Mohd Tahir2024-05-162024-05-162021Pang, S. Y., Suratman, S., Tay, J. H., & Tahir, N. M. (2021). Investigation of aliphatic hydrocarbons in core sediments of Brunei Bay, East Malaysia. Marine pollution bulletin, 171, 112736.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/893The distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons in three sediment cores from Brunei Bay was investigated in order to understand their sources and the biogeochemical processes of these hydrocarbons.HopanesSediment coresC27 trisnorhopeneDiplopteneUCMInvestigation of aliphatic hydrocarbons in core sediments of Brunei Bay, East MalaysiaJournal