Mahsa TashakorBernhard HochwimmerFrancis Q. Brearley2024-05-162024-05-162017Tashakor, M., Hochwimmer, B., & Brearley, F. Q. (2017). Geochemical assessment of metal transfer from rock and soil to water in serpentine areas of Sabah (Malaysia). Environmental Earth Sciences, 76, 1-13. mobility of metals in ultramafic rock-soil systems and metal contamination in serpentine soils were investigated from the Ranau area in Sabah, East Malaysia. Metal concentrations were analysed after division into seven operationally defined fractions by selective sequential extraction (SSE).SerpentiniteLateritic soilSurface waterHeavy metalMobilityGeochemical assessment of metal transfer from rock and soil to water in serpentine areas of Sabah (Malaysia)Journal