N KasmuriN F S MohamadS S M JamilR AhmadR SantiagoS Ramasamy2024-05-202024-05-202021Kasmuri, N., Mohamad, N. F. S., Jamil, S. S. M., Ahmad, R., Santiagoo, R., & Ramasamy, S. (2021). Assessment of water quality and heavy metals in Semenyih River. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 646, No. 1, p. 012015). IOP Publishing.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1592This research aimed to determine the Water Quality Index (WQI) and heavy metals concentration in the upstream, middle stream, and downstream of the Semenyih River.enAssessment of Water Quality and Heavy Metals in Semenyih RiverJournal