J. P. ObbardK. L. NgR. Xu2024-05-162024-05-162004Obbard, J. P., Ng, K. L., & Xu, R. (2004). Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated beach sediments: use of crude palm oil and fatty acids to enhance indigenous biodegradation. Water, air, and soil pollution, 157, 149-161.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/927Amendment of simple organic carbon, in the presence of inorganic nutrients, to oil contaminated beach sediments can potentially stimulate the biodegradation of hydrocarbons by the indigenous microbial biomass. The ability of crude palm oil (CPO) and fatty acids, in the presence of soluble inorganic nutrients (C:N:P = 100:10:1), to stimulate biodegradation in sediments amended with Arabian light crude oil was investigated in laboratory microcosms over a 30-day period.biodegradationcrude oildehydrogenase activitypetroleum hydrocarbonssimple organic carbon sourceBioremediation of petroleum contaminated beach sediments: Use of crude palm oil and fatty acids to enhance indigenous biodegradationJournal