Nur Afifah Hanun IsmailSze Yee WeeDidi Erwandi Mohamad HaronNitty Hirawaty KamarulzamanAhmad Zaharin Arisa2024-05-202024-05-202020Ismail, N. A. H., Wee, S. Y., Haron, D. E. M., Kamarulzaman, N. H., & Aris, A. Z. (2020). Occurrence of endocrine disrupting compounds in mariculture sediment of Pulau Kukup, Johor, Malaysia. Marine pollution bulletin, 150, 110735. compounds (EDCs) such as hormones, pesticides, phenolic compounds, and pharmaceuticals compounds can cause adverse effects on humans, animals, and other living organisms. One of the largest mariculture areas situated in Pulau Kukup, Johor, Malaysia, is actively involved in exporting marine fish to other countries worldwide. This paper aims to provide baseline data on the level of EDC pollutants found in mariculture sediments in Malaysia since no reports have investigated this issue.enEndocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs)SedimentSoxhlet extractionPulau KukupMalaysiaMariculture zoneOccurrence of endocrine disrupting compounds in mariculture sediment of Pulau Kukup, Johor, MalaysiaJournal