Ahmad Fariz MohamedMohd Talib Latiff2024-05-142024-05-142010Mohamed, A.F. & Latiff, M.T. (2010).Urban Traffic Changes and CO2 Generation In Small Cities:The Case Study of Seremban And Nilai. Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 11 (1).https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/677This findings of this show that there is a significant relationship between urban traffic and air pollution for both Seremban and Nilai townships. However the pollution condition trends show no critical incidents where air pollution becomes important issues for them. This is due to unavailability of other analyses such as comfort level and health. Moreover, no study has been conducted to understand what the level of acceptance for traffic volume is and it's emission to the city air space. Therefore management for better traffic needs to determine the flow and carrying capacity of city for its traffic volume is badly needed.Urban traffic changes and CO2 generation in small cities: the case study of Seremban and NilaiJournal