Muhammad Rozaimi Mohd ZakiPeh Xin YingAzim Haziq ZainuddinMuhammad Raznisyafiq RazakAhmad Zaharin Aris2024-05-202024-05-202021Zaki, M. R. M., Ying, P. X., Zainuddin, A. H., Razak, M. R., & Aris, A. Z. (2021). Occurrence, abundance, and distribution of microplastics pollution: an evidence in surface tropical water of Klang River estuary, Malaysia. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-16. have been considered as contaminants of emerging concern due to ubiquity in the environment; however, the occurrence of microplastics in river estuaries is scarcely investigated. The Klang River estuary is an important ecosystem that receives various contaminants from urbanised, highly populated areas and the busiest maritime centre in Selangor, Malaysia. This study investigates the abundance and characteristics of microplastics in surface water of the Klang River estuary.enMicroplasticsKlang River estuarySurface waterMicrofibreAnthropogenic activitiesBaseline studyOccurrence, abundance, and distribution of microplastics pollution: an evidence in surface tropical water of Klang River estuary, MalaysiaJournal