Asif RaihanRawshan Ara BegumMohd NizamMohd SaidJoy Jacqueline Pereira2024-05-142024-05-142022Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Nizam, M., Said, M., & Pereira, J. J. (2022). Dynamic impacts of energy use, agricultural land expansion, and deforestation on CO2 emissions in Malaysia. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 29(3), 477-507. study empirically investigates the nexus among energy use, agricultural land expansion, deforestation, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Malaysia. Time series data from 1990 to 2019 were utilized using the bounds testing (ARDL) approach followed by the Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) method. The DOLS estimate findings show that the energy usage coefficient is positive and significant with CO2 emissions, indicating a 1% increase in energy consumption is related to a 0.91% rise in CO2 emissions.Climate changeCO2 emissionsEnergy use,Agriculture,ForestMalaysiaDynamic impacts of energy use, agricultural land expansion, and deforestation on CO2 emissions in MalaysiaJournal