Khitam Jaber NabhanWan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd KhalikMd Pauzi AbdullahMohamed Rozali OthmanAnizan IsahakSiti Aminah Zulkepli2024-05-162024-05-162018Nabhan, K. J., Khalik, W. M. A. W. M., Abdullah, M. P., Othman, M. R., Isahak, A., & Zulkepli, S. A. (2018). Assessment of multiresidue pesticides in agricultural soils from Ledang, Malaysia and related potential health risks. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 17(1), 99-106. concentration levels of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in agriculture soils from paddy field were successfully investigated. Residues were isolated using the Soxhlet extraction method, following a clean-up process (SPE Florosil) and a final determination of targeted compounds performed by using a gas chromatography electron capture detector.Multiresidue pesticidesSoil contaminationHealth riskOrganic pollutantsAssessment of multiresidue pesticides in agricultural soils from Ledang, Malaysia and related potential health risksJournal