Anuar SefieAhmad Zaharin ArisMohammad Firuz RamliTahoora Sheikhy NaranyMohd Khairul Nizar ShamsuddinSyaiful Bahren SaadudinMunirah Abdul Zali2024-05-202024-05-202018Sefie, A., Aris, A. Z., Ramli, M. F., Narany, T. S., Shamsuddin, M. K. N., Saadudin, S. B., & Zali, M. A. (2018). Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment of the multilayered aquifer in Lower Kelantan Basin, Kelantan, Malaysia. Environmental earth sciences, 77, 1-15. expansion of population density, urbanization, agriculture, and industry in most parts of the world has increased the generation of pollution, which contributes to the deterioration of surface water quality. This causes the dependence on groundwater sources for their daily needs to accumulate day by day, which raises concerns about their quality and hydrogeochemistry. This study was carried out to increase understanding of the geological setup and assess the groundwater hydrogeochemical characteristics of the multilayered aquifers in Lower Kelantan Basin.enHydrogeochemistryMultilayered aquiferSequences of major ionsHydrochemical faciesSeawater remnantHydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment of the multilayered aquifer in Lower Kelantan Basin, Kelantan, MalaysiaJournal