Muhammad Imran QureshiAmran Md. RasliUsama AwanJian MaGhulam AliFaridullahArif AlamFaiza SajjadKhalid Zaman2024-05-202024-05-202014Qureshi, M. I., Rasli, A. M., Awan, U., Ma, J., Ali, G., Faridullah, ... & Zaman, K. (2015). Environment and air pollution: health services bequeath to grotesque menace. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 3467-3476. objective of the study is to establish the link between air pollution, fossil fuel energy consumption, industrialization, alternative and nuclear energy, combustible renewable and wastes, urbanization, and resulting impact on health services in Malaysia. The study employed two-stage least square regression technique on the time series data from 1975 to 2012 to possibly minimize the problem of endogeniety in the health services model.enEnvironmentAir pollutionHealth servicesTwo-stage least squareMalaysiaEnvironment and air pollution: health services bequeath to grotesque menaceJournal