Nurul Bahiyah Abd WahidMohd Talib LatifSuhaimi Suratman2024-05-102024-05-102013Abd Wahid, N. B., Latif, M. T., & Suratman, S. (2013). Composition and source apportionment of surfactants in atmospheric aerosols of urban and semi-urban areas in Malaysia. Chemosphere, 91(11), 1508-1516. study was conducted to determine the composition and source apportionment of surfactant in atmospheric aerosols around urban and semi-urban areas in Malaysia based on ionic compositions. Colorimetric analysis was undertaken to determine the concentrations of anionic surfactants as Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS) and cationic surfactants as Disulphine Blue Active Substances (DBAS) using a UV spectrophotometer.enSurfactantSource apportionmentAtmospheric aerosolUrban areaSemi-urban areaComposition and source apportionment of surfactants in atmospheric aerosols of urban and semi-urban areas in MalaysiaJournal