Hassan Rashid AliMarinah Mohd ArifinMohammed Ali SheikhNoor Azhar Mohamed ShazilSaid Suleiman BakariZainudin Bachok2024-05-202024-05-202014Ali, H. R., Arifin, M. M., Sheikh, M. A., Shazili, N. A. M., Bakari, S. S., & Bachok, Z. (2014). Contamination of diuron in coastal waters around Malaysian Peninsular. Marine pollution bulletin, 85(1), 287-291.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1477The use of antifouling paints to the boats and ships is one among the threats facing coastal resources including coral reefs in recent decades. This study reports the current contamination status of diuron and its behaviour in the coastal waters of Malaysia.enDiuronBooster biocidesCoral reefsPortsMarine resourcesMalaysiaContamination of diuron in coastal waters around Malaysian PeninsularJournal