Rofat Bunmi MudashiruIsmail AbustanNuridah SabtuHanizan B. MukhtarWaheed Balogun2024-05-202024-05-202023Mudashiru, R. B., Abustan, I., Sabtu, N., Mukhtar, H. B., & Balogun, W. (2023). Choosing the best fit probability distribution in rainfall design analysis for Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9(3), 3217-3227. rainfall is frequently utilized in the planning and design of urban infrastructure, including culverts and urban drainage systems. The choice of an appropriate probability distribution that sufficiently fits the observed rainfall data is one of the key elements in designing rainfall estimation. The current study compared five probability distribution methods which include Gumbel, log-Normal, Normal, Pearson III, and log-Pearson III probability distribution method (PDMs) to analyze the rainfall pattern of the study area.enDesign rainfallProbability distribution methodsInverse distance weightingKrigingChoosing the best fit probability distribution in rainfall design analysis for Pulau Pinang, MalaysiaJournal