Wan Nurdiyana Wan Mansor1Nurul Ashraf RazaliSamsuri AbdullahMohammad Nor Khasbi JarkoniAnis Busrya Eddy SharinNurul Huda Abd KadirAima RamliHow-Ran ChaoSheng-Lun LinJuliana Jalaludin2024-05-202024-05-202022Mansor, W. N. W., Razali, N. A., Abdullah, S., Jarkoni, M. N. K., Sharin, A. B. E., Abd Kadir, N. H., ... & Jalaludin, J. (2022, April). A Review of Plastic-derived Diesel Fuel as a Renewable Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines: Applications, Challenges, and Global Potential. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1013, No. 1, p. 012014). IOP Publishing.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1274One possible technique to address landfill issues is to convert plastic waste into diesel fuel. In this review, the potential use of plastic-derived diesel fuel in internal combustion engines as a renewable and sustainable energy source is discussed.enA Review of Plastic-derived Diesel Fuel as a Renewable Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines: Applications, Challenges, and Global PotentialJournal