M K A HalimA AhmadM Z A RahmanZ M AminM F A KhananI A MuslimanW H W KadirM H JamalD S MaimunahA K A WahabM M A ZabidiN M SuaibR M Zain2024-05-152024-05-152018Halim, M. K. A., Ahmad, A., Rahman, M. Z. A., Amin, Z. M., Khanan, M. F. A., Musliman, I. A., ... & Zain, R. M. (2018). Land use/land cover mapping for conservation of UNESCO Global Geopark using object and pixel-based approaches. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 169, No. 1, p. 012075). IOP Publishing.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/755This study aims to map and evaluate digital classification methods of mapping of LULC using Very High Resolution (VHR) Quickbird satellite imagery in one of the Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark, that is Kilim Karst Geoforest Park (KKGP) which is located at northeast of Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. Object-based and pixel-based classification methods were explored and compared. Object-based method involved multi-resolution segmentation part where scale parameter, shape and compactness should be assigned as accurate as possible, so that the image is segmented to homogenous area. Both segmentation and classification processes were conducted in e-Cognition software. While, a supervised classification, Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) involved selection of training areas was used for pixel-based method using ERDAS Imagine software. Then, classification accuracies were assessed by comparing both techniques using error matric and Kappa coefficient.Land Use/Land Cover Mapping for Conservation of UNESCO Global Geopark Using Object and Pixel-based Approaches