T H TamA L IbrahimM Z A RahmanZ Mazura2024-05-202024-05-202014Tam, T. H., Ibrahim, A. L., Rahman, M. Z. A., & Mazura, Z. (2014). Flood loss assessment in the Kota Tinggi. In IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science (Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 012120). IOP Publishing.https://repoemc.ukm.my/handle/123456789/1162The aim of this study is to estimate potential flood damage to physical elements in Kota Tinggi. The flood damage map contains both qualitative and quantitative information which corresponds to the consequences of flooding. This study only focuses on physical elements. Three different damage functions were adopted to calculate the potential flood damage and flood depth is considered as the main parameter. The adopted functions are United States, the Netherlands and Malaysia.enFlood Loss Assessment in the Kota TinggiJournal