Climate Change and Carbon Reduction Initiatives for Sustainable Campus


Climate change is a global issue that needs to be tackled by every individual, groups, organization and nations. With our current path of development, climate change seems inevitable. Mitigation measures and adaptation strategies need to be set up just to avoid any further destruction. As IPCC reported that current CO2 level is around 380ppm and will increased to 450ppm under business as usual scenario, stabilization at this point will increased temperature by 2° C. Any increasing in temperature beyond this point will risk human life.This research promote one of mitigating measure, Carbon Reduction Initiatives (CRI) that involved behavior changes on individual and using financial gains as encouragement point.



Climate change, carbon reduction, sustainable campus, climate change mitigation


Aiyub, K., Arifin, K., Awang, A., Jahi, J. M., Ahmad, S., Latif, M. T., & Mohamed, A. F. (2009). Climate Change and Carbon Reduction Initiatives for Sustainable Campus. European Journal of Social Sciences, 9(2), 292-299.
