Particulate matter dispersion and haze occurrence potential studies at a local palm oil mill


The emissions from palm oil industry through incineration and open burning are the major sources of air pollutions contribution in Malaysia. The consequence of increasing the particulate concentration, the particulate matter dissolves with vapour and grows into droplets when the humidity exceeds approximately 70% and causing opaque situation known as haze. This work focuses on the dispersion particulate matter from palm oil mill. Gaussian Plume Model from a point source, subject to various atmospheric conditions is used to calculate particulate matter concentration then display the distribution of plume dispersion using geographic information system.



Particulate matter, haze, gaussian plume model, stability, geographic information system


Abdullah, L. C., Wong, L. L., Saari, M., Salmiaton, A., & Abdul Rashid, M. S. (2007). Particulate matter dispersion and haze occurrence potential studies at a local palm oil mill. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 4, 271-278.
