Projected near-term changes in monsoon precipitation over Peninsular Malaysia in the HighResMIP multi-model ensembles


Changes in the monsoon season rainfall over Peninsular Malaysia by the mid-21st century are examined using multi-model ensemble data from the CMIP6 HighResMIP experiments. We examine simulations of the present and future climate simulations run under a high emission scenario of greenhouse gases from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP5-8.5). The combined effects of horizontal and vertical resolutions on the projected changes in monsoon rainfall and associated environmental fields are investigated by comparing the ensemble mean of the projected changes utilizing appropriate multi-model groupings.



Precipitation, Peninsular Malaysia, Model resolution, HighResMIP


Liang, J., Tan, M. L., Catto, J. L., Hawcroft, M. K., Hodges, K. I., & Haywood, J. M. (2022). Projected near-term changes in monsoon precipitation over Peninsular Malaysia in the HighResMIP multi-model ensembles. Climate Dynamics, 60(3), 1151-1171.
